
Hair of the Dog

So I'm back again.

Did you know that many bloggers leave notes stating that they're off to work on some fabulous something, and that they'll be back later? That they don't leave their 6 readers hanging? My apologies, y'all, I've been incredibly rude, just disappearing and all. Next time, a note. And a list of wonderful projects that I'll procrastinate on while I'm gone.

I'd love nothing more than to provide you a list of what I've gotten done lately, but it would be not very interesting. Long, perhaps, but unless you're an anxious parent waiting for a Girl Scout troop or some other piece of paperwork that I happen to be holding, not interesting. The rest of the list is work stuff, which, well, I think we all know what happens to people who write about their jobs, right? So none of that either.

So anyway.

My house is currently suffering a bit from the post-summer hangover, which is not, contrary to popular opinion, cured by school. Even for me, and I am a lover of all things school, aside from cafeteria food.

All three kiddos are back in class, thank goodness - Will & Finn have started Kindergarten, and Will's sporting a loose tooth, much to Finn's great distress. Katie has already forgotten to bring home an assignment to complete, possibly breaking all previous records, since it's only Day 2. We've already marked off almost all of the mandatory school items: the sick child pediatrician visit (Katie), the discussion as to why we do not discuss penises with our teacher (Finn), and the forgotten book order (Will). I expect "loose glasses" to occur around Day 4, which should cover us until mittens and hats make an appearance.

My own personal summer hangover is becoming a bit more of a life hangover - now that I'm supposed to have all of this time on my hands, what on earth do I do with it? I'm feeling a little suffocated, honestly, like I need some air and a good stiff drink to send me on my way.

Volunteering for more things at school is not an option (particularly with no snack basket), and while I'm really pretty good at my job, it's not something I love to do. (Contrary to popular belief, I do not crave the ability to boss other people around and create schedules that I force them to follow. Seriously.) I have started going to the gym, but that is far more the need to look nice in my sister's wedding pictures than for any enjoyment. I need something else. More Summer in my Fall, perhaps.

I read somewhere that when you're not sure what you're doing, just fake it. Eventually you'll figure it out, and no one around you will be the wiser, since you've been doing it all along. This is frightening advice to someone who hates to try anything without the guarantee of perfection, but I think that's going to be the cure around here. I'm going to indulge my pathological need for paper and fabric, pretend that I know what to do with them, and start making things. Maybe spend a little time looking at other people's art, but more time making my own. Maybe relax the rules a little bit, and accept that things don't always have to look exactly like the picture. Never fear, I'll be foisting the creations off on some of you soon. Share the wealth and all.

Fall has always felt a little more like time for a new year than January for me - new season, new school, new things to learn. Maybe this time, the kids shouldn't be the only ones making supply lists.

I am amending this, later, to add that apaprently Day 2 has also given us our first case of pinkeye. Bring it on, Day 3, because I am now armed with antibiotics and some q-tips. Bring it on.

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