
Welcome home, Carpool

I feel like my life is a big blur lately - first there was Thanksgiving (aka puke-fest 2007), then the standard winter colds and the start of basketball season, next are the multiple office Christmas parties and gift-buying Olympics... but then what?

At the end of December, I usually get a monster of a cold and a serious social hangover. To be honest, I'm sure the cold is my body's way of saying "Seriously, not one more conversation with someone we don't know. Not one." But this year, we don't know many people, so will it come sooner? And how do I ward it off, just stop speaking to people in August?

I'm on serious social overload. Because y'all, I might, just might, have made some friends. For I have found them, the sarcastic few in a saccharine culture. The girls on the snarky schoolbus pulled up into my driveway, and made me feel welcome.

Finally, y'all, I have come home.


mindy said...

Ah the sarcastic ones...yes I do believe if you and I lived in the same neck of the woods we could hang out. :)

ali cross said...

Well I'm just so tickled for ya'll!

I hope ya'll just have a fine time a-visitin' and whatever ya'll do together!

Merry Christmas!