
On the List


I love lists. Lists of things to do, crafts to make, letters to write, groceries... you name it, I love it better on a list. I've always been a list person - it clears my head, and allows me to focus on one thing at a time, which I desperately need help with.

The three-ring circus vibe we've got going on around here has made more lists - kid lists, packing lists, home improvement lists... and worst of all, lists of lists. There is still satisfaction in crossing thing off the lists, but it's now weighed down by the finding of the forgotten list, and that happens more often than I'd like to admit. (I didn't say I was organized, just that I make lists.)

Today, I had the distinct pleasure, however, of finding a list with every last little thing crossed off. It may have been old - summer, by the looks of it - but it reminded me that you can have everything you need done and put away. I needed that feeling today, when things with the job are at a fever pitch, and there are decisions to be made and schedules to figure out.

Here's to more days soon with a crossed-off list.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I am all about the list. The satisfied feeling you get from the completed list is sheer bliss. Haven't had that in a while - maybe I'll try some shorter lists!