
One is the loveliest number....

I am not a joiner by nature. In fact, I would almost rather have a root canal than go to a party where I only know the host. The life of the party I am not, and I've learned to like being the silent observer. And as I said, most of my best conversations happen with myself, so you could say I'm having my own little party over here.

Blame my social ineptness on my lack of childhood playdates, that 3D model of the coordinate plane that I made in high school, my willing enrollment in engineering school - the nerd trifecta, if you will. Part of it is that I'm incredibly (secretly) competitive, and I need to feel like I'm holding my own in the group. Call me crazy, but being able to carefully explain the joys of geometry isn't usually considered light party conversation. And engineering school doesn't exactly prepare you for the odd cocktail party where there are no "name that programming language" drinking games.

So imagine my surprise that I am contemplating joining a group. More specifically, a swim team. And if the coordinate plane model didn't tip you off, I am not the most athletic girl around. (Just count the walking casts & crutches in my closet - I am legendary for falling over my own two feet.) But here I am, considering the offer. Even though I can barely swim for 30 minutes, I might just be willing to try and keep up with the pack - or worse yet, admit that I can't and join anyway.

On the other hand, I don't actually have to talk to anyone, right? May be the best playdate yet.

1 comment:

Sliding past 50 in an online world said...

Ooh, this will be fun. With cute coaches & burned calories and people who will adore you - but have to leave you alone and let you swim so they are forced to adore you from afar - it is the perfect playdate!! x Sarah