
The List continues

I've been keeping up the list, every night before I go to bed. But instead of sharing with you my sappier moments (heaven knows we've had enough of that around here), I thought I'd share with you some things that could have made The List.... but didn't.

1. Kept a plant alive for 6 months.
Didn't make the list because.... Sweet husband thought the plant was fake, so he didn't water it. For a week. Needless to say, the plant is in the trash.

2. Made it through swim practice twice in one week.
Didn't make the list because.... my hamstrings were so tight I couldn't get out of bed the next day, prompting a long string of expletives that my boys thought was a great battle cry. Whoops.

3. The weather finally cooled off enough so that we could weed the front beds before being evicted by the Historic District folks.
Didn't make the list because.... apparently weeding is worse for your hamstrings that swimming. Walking down stairs is highly overrated.

4. Great guest priest at church yesterday.
Didn't make the list because.... The guest caused 2 offerings to be collected. My father-in-law, being kind, gave each of the kids a dollar to put in the plate, causing Will to loudly protest "Why do we have to pay them?" Twice. (We'd particularly like to thank to row behind us for only snickering, instead of the rowdy guffaw of the guy in front of us. Very classy.)

Hope your lists are growing longer - even with our mishaps this week, ours are.


Sliding past 50 in an online world said...

Why DO we have to pay them? I hope it was a worthy sermon? x Sarah

ali cross said...

I'm afraid I haven't been keeping up! I don't know what the list is for, but I LOL at the things that didn't make it!

Anonymous said...

You made me LOL!!!
the other