
Carpool in Crisis

Ok, y'all, who's with me? Do you think that if the signs were color coordinated, they might be more inclined to take us seriously?


Anonymous said...

Okay, first I am so with you. I can't tell you how much I love the bus - because it means I don't have to be presentable that early in the morning.

Second (and I'm sure I'll show myself for a fool) - but that is so believable. Did you just create that?

We should have a club - those of us who live in the South, but don't "keep up" with the rest of the Southern Belles. Although I do claim the South as my home, and have been here over 22 years, I'm not much of a Belle.

Michelle said...

Guess it's a good thing Tim didn't take the job in Virginia - I'd never be "presentable" enough in the morning. Since when aren't pajamas presentable???

S said...

Meredith, there's a site to create the papers, which I'm going to now find a reason to use them as often as possible! It's http://www.fodey.com/generators/newspaper/snippet.asp

And Mich, people in VA realize the value of carpool. Here in Mayberry (much further south), it never snows, so there's no reason why I can't walk my child in. And I would think monogrammed pjs would work. With color-coordinated accessories, though. And lipstick.

mindy said...

LOL! Honest to God, my first thought was- "Holy crap- She really does live in Mayberry!"

Gotta steal this one....

Kristen said...

OMG! Did you go out and buy a lipstick? (If not, carmex counts.) xoxoxo

Sliding past 50 in an online world said...

Ok I thought it was real. In NY, the private schools have lines of cars with drivers dropping off the kids, staying double-parked - don't you have a driver? Is it ok if the driver wears PJ's??

ali cross said...

I am cracking up reading that story you have pasted in there! Sure sounds like the writer had a bias toward the drive-thru-drop-off parents.

Good luck!

I'm happy I don't have to walk or drive my kids - I am almost always still in my pj's when I send them off!