
Jiggety Jig

So I'm back, and you have never seen a more relieved husband than mine. It's an odd thing, really - he is perfectly composed dealing with CEOs and angry citizens, but leave him in charge of our household schedule for 4 days and the man completely loses his cool. Fortunately for all of us, the weekend report from K is that he wasn't "too yelly" aside from one lost religion book. (And at that point, all parties concede that the yelling was warranted, mainly because we are all fairly terrified of the religion teacher and she was not going to be pleased.)

Business travel can be such a luxury, although it completely wipes me out - the pressure to actually do my job in a timely manner and without panic makes me incredibly tired. It's such a facade for me, and one I'd much prefer leave behind. On the other hand, talking to someone I'm not related to during the day is a treat - and since I'm the only one that lives out of a major metro area, my Mayberry stories are a total novelty act.

Here in Mayberry, there's no novelty - just the 3 ring circus that defines our lives. Drop offs, pick ups, the cross country run that is motherhood. I did create a bit of havoc today by refusing grocery bags at our local store - I used my tote, and you would have thought I grew a 3rd head while in line. (Ah, the price of being green.)

But I'm home. And it feels great to think of Mayberry that way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you're home safely and that the trip was a great reminder of why you love to leave home & why you love to be home.