
...Where she finally admits it's ok.

So it has been a whole year, and I barely even noticed. Do you remember the weeping and wailing and constant whining? The incessant pleading with people to just make this all stop? To find the monogrammed flip flops I needed to fit in? The head shaking and disbelief?

Ok, the whining and head shaking haven't exactly stopped, but I can honestly say that things are a whole lot better over here. To the point where on some days, I run out of blog material because it's so blissfully normal. (Well, Mayberry normal, which might not be normal to anyone else, if you know what I'm sayin'. But normal enough.)

So now what?

Well, I think it's time I pursue some things that give me a little joy, if you know what I mean. This whining gig is funny and all, but I'm finding the more I wrap myself up in it, the more whiny I become. And a whiny mother breeds whining children, which may just lead to a call from the funny farm. And I'm sure that's frowned upon here.

So hang with me. I promise not to loose all of the snark - there's just too much opportunity around here to poke fun. But there might just be some other topics of conversation, like the small town game of telephone, or why I can't ever, EVER, find my car at Wal-Mart. (No really, not ever.) Or even what happens when she finally admits that this move might be the best thing that ever happened.


Kristen said...

That's it - we're moving down there too. I'll bring my colonial attire and everything.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! You drank the Koolade!

Kidding. I feel the same way about my old 'hood in Indiana. So what if they play way too much Bunko and make me feel sort of inferior with their scrapbooking? They're good people.

I'm glad. Moving is hard...embrace the joy! -Sarah J

Lisa said...

Oh no, they've converted you! you need a healthy dose of Tysons II to bring you back to your senses!


PS See? I can leave comments too! ;-)

April said...

I always thought you'd come to like it one day. I hope you'll pull up a chair and entertain us still :)