
So I take it back.

Yes, two posts in one day, but this was worthy. To set the stage, our school retains 97% percent of their student body every year, and the majority of this 97% started in Pre-K. So lots of things are "understood."

So my glee about carpool? Was promptly thoroughly negated by the fact that not only did I have to do walk-in pickup today, in my sweats, but that I had to do it in front of the entire school, parents and all, because there was a seemingly unannounced PARADE for homecoming. With full tailgate regalia, I might add. And me the only mother that had NO idea it was coming. And seriously? No lipstick and a baseball hat, while the other mothers (all of them) had on cute sandals and full makeup.

I knew I had gotten a little cocky this morning, but I swear I had no idea the universe would work this quickly to knock me back down a peg or seven. Pride goes before a fall, that's for sure - especially at walk-in pickup.


ali cross said...

Oh Girl. I'm so ... sorry. Or, umm ... something like that! But really what I'm thinking? That I wish, somehow, we had that on video. Do you think the school has security cameras? And could you score me a copy? I'd really, really have loved to have seen that!

ali cross said...

Susan, I've tagged you over at my blog! A little reading thing, if you're interested!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you are over exaggerating, you probably looked great! Either way.. to heck with looking perfect all the time.