
Very Close to the End...

Nothing new to report here - a quiet weekend with out of town guests, and a quick ramp up to a busy week. So let's finish the alphabet.

V - Very unorganized, is Mayberry's soccer system - we got the same roster as another coach, so we're sorting through it. Apparently if it's not baseball, it's not important.

W - Way too many schedule conflicts, with both Carpool parents travelling this week. Unfortunately for us, we're not going at the same time.

X - The eXtreme negotiations our sons are putting us through to get their TV time back during the school week - holy cow, do I have some future politicians on my hands! (oh, and xylophone - is there a better "x" word?)

Y - The loud YAHOO you'll be hearing when I'm in a hotel room by myself this week - what more could a momma ask for, even when it's for work? I need some space, y'all.

Z - Zero - the amount of time I'll be having to blog this week since I'll be either a single parent or on the road. Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Good luck this week Susan, both with your meeting and being a single mom!

Michelle said...

I'll miss reading your blog while you are away/otherwise occupied. And, in my house, the quintessential X word it X-ray.