
... in which karma kicks her, and hard.

Everyone has their idea of purgatory. For some, it's bad food. For others, it's not seeing your loved ones. For me, it's being locked in a room with a well-caffeinated cheerleading squad. So you can only imagine my shock and dismay when my adorable daughter announced, in her perkiest voice, "I want to be a cheerleader."

I have never been one to embrace my inner mouseketeer, and heaven help you if you are perky before 10am. In fact, it was pretty much my entire purpose in life to make fun of the cute and terminally cheerful. I was pretty sure hell on earth was driving the cheerleading carpool in high school - 3 bow-heads and myself, twice a day. No one is quite sure who was more mortified - me for having to drive them, or them for riding in the nerd car.

And now I am raising one of them. Karma sure does loop back around, and you just never know quite how it will get you. But it always does.


Kristen said...

Hmm...not sure if I am offended or not...although it is all true, LOL. Just tell her that she can either cheer or ride horses - that will tell you just how serious she is. Besides, I turned out ok. I never did draw the line between not-being a cheerleader anymore and not-being annoying to you anymore. Who knew. xoxoxo

Michelle said...

Bow-heads aren't ALL bad. I was one. I even had my "spirit fingers" and knew how to use them (does that sound dirty??) Don't worry, my brilliant Cornell & Stanford grad of a sister was a bow-head once upon a time. If nothing else, it could be could for her coordination!